The Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (PLAI), in partnership with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) through the National Committee on Libraries and Information Services (NCLIS), will be conducting its Annual National Congress on 20-23 November 2018 at the at the Novotel Manila, Araneta Center, Cubao, Quezon City.

With the theme “Connected Actions, Collective Vision:  Libraries Transforming Society”, PLAI envisions to lead the country’s library community in a collective call to connected actions towards transforming society.  Libraries have the capacity to transform societies, thereby contributing to the development of a nation.

The PLAI Congress 2018 aims to:

  • Understand the role of libraries and information centers in building literate, informed, and participative societies, thereby contributing to societal, cultural, and economic growth of a nation;
  • Recognize that connected actions and collective vision of the library community will help libraries address the challenges of the future;
  • To engage libraries, archives, and other cultural heritage partners and institutions in safeguarding cultural heritage in all its diverse forms;
  • To advocate the roles of librarians and library associations as key players for societal improvements and change through capacity building and professional agenda.

In line with this, we are inviting you to attend this year’s National Congress. There will be parallel sessions sponsored by various library associations to discuss topics relevant to the theme and to the profession.  Likewise, PLAI’s General Assembly will be held to present updates and provide a venue for discussion of concerns relating to the Association and to the profession in general.

Requests for DepEd Advisory, CSC Announcement,  CHED Memo, and PASUC Endorsement, are being processed.  PLAI Congress 2018 is also being applied for as a CPD Program.