The Philippine Librarians Association Inc., in cooperation with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) through the National Committee on Libraries and Information Services (NCLIS), will be conducting its Annual National Congress on November 26-28, 2014 at the Century Park Hotel, Malate, Manila.
This year’s Congress theme is “Philippine Libraries: Future Possibilities”. The Congress aims to gather ideas that will bring positive changes in the way Philippine libraries are being built and managed, following international standards in the provision and delivery of resources and services.
In this connection, a call for papers is being conducted wherein local and foreign experts in the field are invited as resource persons. Presentations should revolve around the following topics:
- User Services (e.g., management of digital information/resources, interactive information retrieval, mobile environments);
- Library and Information Science Research (e.g., theories/ methodologies/ types/ socio-cultural aspects of information);
- Library and Information Science Education (e.g., distance education, indigenous knowledge and multiculturalism, embedded librarianship);
- Library / LIS Quality Assurance (e.g., standards, competencies, CPD guidelines);
- Project Management (e.g., best practices, disaster management, leadership);
- Knowledge Management (e.g., knowledge sharing/solutions, tools and best practices in knowledge transfer, KM applications).
Paper proposals must be submitted on or before April 15, 2014 using the following format:
- Title of Paper (in capital letters, Times New Roman font, size 14)
- Name of Presenter/s (surname first, followed by first name and middle initial)
- Institution/Company Affiliation (including official designation and address)
- Keywords (2-5 words)
- Paper abstract (not more than 300 words, Times New Roman font, size 12)
- Author’s bio (not more than 100 words for each author)
- Contact details: mobile number, email address
Authors whose abstracts are accepted by the Committee will be notified on or before the end of May 2014. (Kindly put PLAI Congress Paper Submission as the subject upon submission of paper to: PLAI Secretariat, Submitted abstracts will be published in the PLAI 2014 National Congress Handbook of Abstracts. Full papers and Powerpoint files are to be submitted via e-mail or post by the end of September 2014.
Approved paper presenters will be provided with free registration fee and participation in the Conference’s social activities. Out-of-town presenters will be provided with free accommodation for the duration of the event, depending on their availability.